Friday 21 June 2013

What have we fools done to you mother..!

Quiet flows the Don...

And the infuriated Ganga...

Happily gurgling, sweetly singing, playfully cooling our hearts, minds and peace to eyes and soothing our souls, the Holy Ganga was enraged by the selfish deeds of Her reckless children..!
The height of water (and devastation) can be guessed and judged by comparing these two pictures.
The mammoth steel and marble structure around Lord Shiva's colossal idol is completely submerged, but His composure is out of this world!
The one on top was taken by me in April 2013 and that at bottom is the heart wrenching one of 16 June 2013.

Disclaimer and courtesy: The second picture has been thankfully taken from internet and is not mine.


  1. It is really sad how Nature Mother showed her Havoc on us....Really praying for the people stuck there

  2. Trust Shiva to meditate even in the gurgling waters!I guess all these holy places needed a complete wash down. Sad to see collateral damage also.

  3. Thats indeed a bitter truth. Well written post this is.


  4. Waqt se hai din aur raat, waqt se kal aur aaz,kaun jaane kab waqt ka bigde mizaz!

  5. What a revelation, to see the pic of April and now!.

    It is sad,. We people who feel for the recklessness , are the ones who will never harm the ecology or environment. Those who harm, do not care for anything except amassing wealth!

  6. really..its terrifying and painful !!

    there is that third pic too....
    with no shiva....
    the ganga took it with her(may be back to heaven)

    its sad :-(


  7. The second is true?! I mean are you sure it isn't a photoshopped one! I want to believe it is PSed.

    Such a tragedy! No words really!

  8. Oh, that is so sad indeed!!!

  9. So sad and so shocking especially to see these two pictures :(

  10. Amit Jee it is so painful to see the second picture. We need to stop destroying nature NOW!

  11. :( sad...When will we realise?

  12. Nature has its way of teaching lessons !! The comparison indicates the ferociousness of water,Amit Ji.
    Its Painful and Thoughtful as well.

  13. The whole nation is weeping at this hour of calamity in Uttarakhand. Such a twist of nature, and it has wiped away almost everything.These occurrence is a way to remind us that nature is way above us humans, and we should not let nature act against us by our stupid activities and desires.

  14. About our habits & disaster management-the less said the better.

    Happily gurgling, sweetly singing, playfully cooling our hearts, minds and peace to eyes and soothing our souls, the Holy Ganga

    Even your prose is poetry!

  15. We have to blame only ourselves.

  16. The two pictures said it all..... We are only responsible for this.......

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  17. Whenever man treads anywhere, he begins to promote himself. The post comes at the right time pointing at the manner we have been responsible.With a heart full of anguish, I express my solidarity with you in your adoration of the holy mother, the Ganges.

  18. So true... reckless development seems to have cost us dear.

  19. During one of the office lunches here in Singapore I bragged to my friends that 'Ganges is an amazing river. Its a beautiful experience visiting places on its banks' Immediately one of them retorted 'But I have heard its dirty and that people keep throwing stuff' Unfortunately it was true. We call rivers our mother and sometimes treat it with reckless injustice. Hope her fury subsides soon and things turn to normal. God help all affected by this natural disaster!

  20. it's really saddening but no one could stop it :(
