Tuesday 19 June 2012

A hamper full of goodies...a bouquet of flowers!! (for the grabs:))

Hey...this is not just another book, or merely a book...it presents the readers with a rare exotic flavour, which can otherwise not be enjoyed anywhere. All your favourite poets come together to please your soul and spirits with an array of diversity in their reflective poems.
You know them in their individualities and love them for the chord they strike in your hearts..but imagine when the entire orchestra is brought to your service at your convenience to send ripples of ecstasy down your entire being with their sonorous melodies.
Pain and pleasure, agony and rapture, hope and disillusion, joy and gloom, love and resignation, God, nature, spirituality, life, world, death...the process as seen and felt profoundly by these different artists, is bound to stir and rock you sometime, and soothe and pacify at others.
      And why it is a bouquet of flowers too? Simple...because it delights you with its colourful beauty and fragrance when you are at it, and will leave a trail of lingering scent even when it is practically not in your hands..!
The constituents of this heady concoction are:
Abhishek Dudeja, Alka Narula, Amit Agarwal, Jess C Scott, Saru Singhal, Shamsud Ahmed, Sohail Akhtar and Seema Sharma .
We all know that the vivacity of Seema’s paintings is reflected in the works of these poets as much, as the intense insight of their verses is echoed in her paintings. It was hence a great idea to combine them for they are so complimentary to one another.
The luminous book is the result of Shamsud’s initiative and enterprise, the credit therefore rightfully goes to him most of all!
All blogger friends are requested to buy at least one copy each for themselves, and a few more for gifting, to encourage and appreciate the cause (enabling Shamsud to come up with next edition taking in some new writers J)

Connect with Rousing Cadence Team 

Twitter Handle: @RousingCadence

Buy Rousing Cadence

The book is releasing on 27th June, 2012 and would be available on all major platforms in paperback. The kindle version will be available soon.



  1. Congrats Amitji. I will definitely buy a book.

  2. Congratulation.....


  3. Hearty Congrats. Read about it on Saru;s blog and it was nice to find your name there as well. Kudos!

  4. congratulation to you SIR.. and will look up for it for sure ..


  5. Thank you Amit. It's been a great learning experiance and thank you for being part of this exciting and wonderful team. The franchise "Rousing Cadence" will continue when i have so mnay talents around. Best of luck to the entire team

  6. congrats,it is a well deserved honor.

  7. A big W O W and congrats ! cant wait to have a copy in my hands :)

  8. congratulations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wheres the party?

    1. Thank you Tangy, so sweet of you be demanding a party:) It is due of course, let's see where and how:)

  9. Oh! thats absolutely wonderful!! Best wishes!!! :)

  10. Congratulations Amit!!
    Is it possible to get an autographed copy? Ideally, autographed by all as all are my favorites!!

  11. Congrates amitji, and Alka , Saru maam and all the other co-authors.....our bst wishes r wid u ppl...it will b a runaway hit.........all my bst wishes :)

    1. Thanks a lot Saikat, it was only possible with good wishes of friends like you:)

  12. Congo Amit Ji! I wish you all success

  13. Wow !! Congrats Amit...and all the bloggers! Shall definitely grab a copy at my earliest!

  14. Congrats Sir. I am so happy for you and all the others involved in the book. :)

  15. I simply loved what you wrote about the book here. Thanks for being a part of it and it is a pleasure working with you. All the best to Team Rousing Cadence!

  16. Congrats Amit sir. I sure am gonna buy a copy of this. :)

  17. Some of my favorite authors. All the best for this book :-)

  18. Congratulations Amitji!!! I had asked Saru how I can get a copy of the book with all the authors' autographs. But I guess she is very busy. Is it possible? That would make the book so special for me!

    1. I'm humbled Bhavana by this 'autograph' thing.
      Lemme discuss with Saru and Shamsud...Thanks a lot for your kind support:)

  19. many many congratulations ..............
    keep up the good work...


  20. Congratulations!!

    Will surely grab one copy !

  21. You have done a great work.
    With kind regards

    1. Thanks a lot Ali Sahib, your good wishes and blessings..!

  22. what a bright idea !!!
    Congratulations and do your own book too !!

  23. Thank you Varsha..this book is mine too:)
